The Benefits of Bananas For Dogs

The Benefits of Bananas For Dogs

Dr. Maria de Bettencourt Tavares Dr. Maria de Bettencourt Tavares
5 minute read

Many times, when at home, we wonder which of the ingredients sitting in the kitchen we can give to our dogs. Can dogs eat bananas? Are they safe for our four-legged friends, and do we need to take precautions? In this article, we’re exploring these topics and more.

Just like apples, blueberries, spinach and carrots, bananas also belong to that group of fruits and vegetables that are full of health benefits both for us and for our dogs!

Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

The answer is a resounding “yes”

Not only can dogs eat bananas but, in fact, they provide are a great source of minerals, and vitamins, that are good for their health:


●   Vitamin B6. Bananas are rich in B6, which is crucial in the production of glucose and the functioning of the nervous system and red blood cells. B6 also helps with hormone regulation and immune system response.

●   Vitamin C. An antioxidant, essential for vascular and eye health.

●   Potassium. This is one of the most abundant elements in the body and therefore essential for a healthy diet. It can assist with heart health and is great for controlling blood pressure.

●   Phosphorus. After calcium, phosphorus is the most prevalent mineral element in dogs after calcium, and both are therefore critical for a wide variety of body structures and functions. Dogs need a balance between phosphorus and calcium in their diet, and bananas can help you to strike this balance.

●   Magnesium. Bananas are rich in magnesium which has been shown to be crucial for your dog helping to maintain strong bones and joints, muscle and brain cells health and hormone secretion.


Research has shown that bananas can also have a soothing effect for the gastrointestinal system and in particular in stomach wounds. A promising study in rats showed that bananas may even have the ability to assist with the healing of stomach ulcers.

How, And How Much Banana?

Just like most other fruits, bananas should be considered a treat. In other words, the consumption of bananas should never replace a meal, nor exceed 10% of the dog’s daily intake. Why? Just like in our human diets, individual fruits don’t have the necessary variety and amount of nutrients needed for a dog’s balanced diet, so they are always better considered as an extra (a healthy delicious extra!).

Bananas can be cut into smaller pieces, after removing the peel, and given just like that or they can also be turned into a nice puree, with the help of a fork, or even be incorporated into homemade treats. Alternatively, you can find treats such as LOONAWELL’s, which have already harnessed the fantastic benefits of bananas.



Bananas Come in Different Stages of Ripeness. What is Best For Your Dog?

This isn’t like humans, who may have their own preference as to how ‘ripe’ they like their bananas.

As bananas ripen they convert starch into sugar and become darker in color, and sweeter. This is why they make good banana bread for a human treat, but dark bananas aren’t the best for your dog. At the “over-ripe” stage, a banana may have too much sugar for your pup’s diet.

On the other side of the spectrum, when a banana is still green, it is likely to be bitter and it could also be harder for your dog to digest. The bitter taste means your dog is likely to leave it alone when you put it in their bowl anyway.

Another precaution to take is to remember to peel the banana, and don’t feed your dog the peel. Not only might contain pesticides and other chemicals from the growth process (especially if your bananas are not organic) but they are hard to digest and can cause a blockage, and a medical issue for your beloved pup. 

If your dog is just a puppy, check with a vet whether you can give them bananas. The natural sugar content in bananas can be a blessing for dogs that are very active but less advantageous for those who take a more sedentary life.

On average, small dogs should not take more than a couple of small pieces in a day and large dogs no more than half a banana. 

Harnessing The Power of Fruits – Super Foodies

Now you know why bananas are one of the carefully selected ingredients used in our Super Foodies treats, alongside other well-known superfoods such as blueberries, coconut, and oats!

Rather than feeding your dog a treat that comes from factory leftovers, packed with artificial additives, give them the chance to try the real thing with LOONAWELL.

All of our treats are made with totally organic, human-grade ingredients. One smell of our Super Foodies treats, and you’ll want to try them too. The treats come in small elegant sachets that preserve the freshness of the treats as well as make them easy to carry around.

Our organic treats mean that you can allow your dog to enjoy all the benefits of bananas, and other fruits, safe in the knowledge that their health is getting a boost in the process.

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